An email from Yogyakarta...
Thank you very much davina and all of you my beloved friends, we are now recovering. all family is safe. thanks god. it was an 'almighty' earthquake. the sound of the earthquake was horrifying, houses were shaken very strongly, part of our roof house was falling down, water in the pond in the garden was swinging out high, 50-meter long wall fences near our house were broken down terribly. the 57-second earthquake was like an hour to us that time and we (me, wife and the baby) were witnessing all above in the middle of the garden, screaming "god, please forgive us". but i found out that it was all above was nothing compared to other locations in the southern part of our city. it was really worse. anyway, wish us all safe and this wont happen, no more. we are so traumatic that hearing a car or motorbike machine is like the earthquake comes again..
Begitu besar kekuatan Allah.. apabila Ia berkehendak maka terjadilah.. bersyukurlah Kita semua yang selamat dan terhindar dari bencana ini..
Buat temen2 yang hendak menyalurkan dananya bisa ke rekening Mer-C insyaAllah Amanah dan 50 orang team Mer-C beserta ambulan yang tadinya stand by dilokasi Merapi, segera bertolak ke bantul sebagai lokasi terparah pada sabtu lalu... pls visit this link..