Menjelang Puasa pertama di negeri orang, entah Kenapa Gue dan Swami tiba-tiba yang berdua jadi yellow mellow terkenang suasana puasa di kampung halaman. Sahur yang meriah karena selain penghuni rumah bukan cuma bertiga aja tapi juga kangen dengan siaran sahur yang setia menemani dan bikin mata langsung melek buat semangat sahur. Belum lagi sehabis berbuka bisa tarawih, tinggal jalan ke Masjid di dekat rumah, dan bisa dengerin ceramah-ceramah ramadhan yang berbobot dari ustad dan ustadzah yang kondang. Memang gitu ya.. biasanya we value when it's gone. *sigh*
Tapii udah bertekad nihh insyaAllah walaupun di sini dengan kondisi yang serba minim dari siraman kalbu mudah-mudahan bisa tetap memperbaiki kualitas ibadah.
Ngomong-ngomong masalah Mellow, merembet-rembet jadi kangen juga sama makanan di Indo dan gak tau kenapa kangen banget sama Gudeg banget nget nget. *jangan-jangan??* bukaan ngidam kok kayaknya ;) Kayaknya ini melanjutkan cerita sakau part one Kita :P
Akhirnya makan siang kemarin jadi juga Kita berangkat ke Warung Gudeg (yang lumayan tenar di antero Melbourne) barengan Suami, Lil Addry n Silvi. Silvi yang udah pernah ke sana benernya udah pernah cerita sih kalau perjalanannya lumayan jauh buat ke sana. Tapi yaa namanya tiba-tiba kangen gimana sih? dijabanin juga deh mau jauhnya kayak apa.
Tapi bener juga ternyata jauh euy! harus pake acara nyambung naik train. Mungkin total2 di jalan kita hampir satu jam. Addry sampe sempet mabok juga. Tapi begitu sampai di Clayton Station cuma tinggal sejengkal aja itu "Warung Gudeg"nya.
Mmm dengan 9$ udah bisa menikmati Gudeg Komplit yang memang enak itu. Pulangnya gak lupa bawa buat sahur (biarpun gak ada Tora Sudiro di TV yang penting ada Gudeg) nyambung gak? :P
Tapi sebenarnya sih the best part from this journey sih dari pagi2 Gue udah dapet surprise bunga tulip pink dari My sis Silvi (pengobat kangen gak pergi ke tulip farm) dann jujur this is my first time seeing real tulip and they're pink! PINK! like this blog my favorite colour! Addry dapet Thomas n Friends Train Toy Tengkyuu SIs! dan pas pulang dapet kado anniversary yang tertunda dari suami tercinta! (Love u!).
Kadonya benernya udah bilang, pengen beli sunglass karena udah mulai panas di sini. Berhubung sunglass yang lama ketinggalan di kampung, udah menjarah tiga toko anehnya kok sekarang kacamata2 itu jadi kaca muka yaa Sizenya kadang-kadang yang irrationally too big gitu! Laah kalau Gue gini yang make, ada juga mukanya jadi kacamata semua! Mending kalau kayak ninja lahh ini kayak tukang pijet. Tapi akhirnya nemu juga kacamata yang gak bikin jadi kayak tukang pijet.. walaupun overbudget tapi suami yang penting ikhlas.. Katanya "Gak papa Kamu kan juga udah capek ngurus rumah.. gak papa Aku belikan yang ini" Cihuii!
Alhamdulillah... dari rencana jalan demi Gudeg akhirnya malah dapet surprise2 yang lain...
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Happy Fasting!

Friends Selamat menunaikan ibadah di bulan Ramadhan ini.
Mari Kita berlomba-lomba mengeluarkan Zakat dan Sadaqah.
Kami sekeluarga tak lupa mohon maaf lahir & batin atas semua kesalahan baik yang disengaja maupun tidak.
Semoga Kita semua bisa meningkatkan ketaqwaan dan keimanan di bulan penuh barakah ini.
Friday, September 15, 2006
So What If I Don't Put My Son to Day Care?
I just don't understand, Why I become "weird Mother" for not putting my Son Addry (28 Mths) to childcare? Every Family have their own decision what best for their children. I my self never fuss about those who put their children to the Day Care/Child Care What so ever. It's their children anyway! And I have my own to take care of.
I don't mind if other mothers asking Why I don't put my son to the day care then they give their argument about the benefits of child care. Cause they experienced it, and they might simply give their opinions based on it. I appreciate other family decision. They might focus in working instead of raising their children at home. But if someone who even doesn't have a kid commenting this and that about benefit of child care then asking Addry to go to childcare (*daa!* like they know what best for my son).
I know this issue also become endless pros and cons between mothers all over the world who join So I guess, every mother knows what best for their child.
Okay, ADS Students with children DO got child care benefit from the goverment, So we only pay about 40% of the cost, which is very affordable.
Okay, If children have to interacting and socializing with friends from their age.
But fortunately Allah gave me the clue, firstly when the first time I put My Son Addry to child care then the next day he got a very bad gastroenteris (so we need to rush to the ER at Midnight then Addry had to stay in bed for 10 days. After Addry recover form his illness, the next day I went to the child care & I saw on the bulletin board an announcement that at the time in that child care has two disease: Head Lice and Gastroenterisis. So I guess I can't just pretend that my son would be okay to stay there. I have choices (not like other mothers who have to study here), wheter I continue Addry enrollment in that childcare or cancell it.
Secondly I saw a child accidentally being smashed to the door and being ignored after. How a group assistant can handle everychild if they responsible to take care of 10 children in that class anyway?
Because of this experience, I've started to read so many articles about child care and children development, All of them informed me that the best age to join child care is three years old, because at this age child need to develop their social skill. And I got this precious information for my best friend whos father (a doctor) happened to attend a Seminar about Studies Result: Linking Child Care to Behavioral Problems.
My best friend verbally explain that the study found that in children younger than 3 yrs of age, levels of cortisol (a hormone associated with stress) found and rose in the afternoon during full days they spent in day care, but fell as the hours passed on days they spent at home. When cortisol rose it shows that the child is in stress due to insecure feeling. And if the cortisol level is high continously, it will lead to behavioral problems like overly aggressive and others.
At Last! the studies is published by New York Time on 13 Sept 2006 read this link for complete news.
So I believe in the studies, It's not a sin right?. I am a conservative mother who hope not to risk my Son. It's okay for me not to work here (alhamdulillah Allah gave me a casual work that suit me).. cause I still could expand my knowledge from home. I worked like horse for 4 years back home.. I guess during this 1,5 year-stay here, is my biggest opportunity to focus on my son development, besides I'm exciting in teaching my preschooller son.
I don't mind if other mothers asking Why I don't put my son to the day care then they give their argument about the benefits of child care. Cause they experienced it, and they might simply give their opinions based on it. I appreciate other family decision. They might focus in working instead of raising their children at home. But if someone who even doesn't have a kid commenting this and that about benefit of child care then asking Addry to go to childcare (*daa!* like they know what best for my son).
I know this issue also become endless pros and cons between mothers all over the world who join So I guess, every mother knows what best for their child.
Okay, ADS Students with children DO got child care benefit from the goverment, So we only pay about 40% of the cost, which is very affordable.
Okay, If children have to interacting and socializing with friends from their age.
But fortunately Allah gave me the clue, firstly when the first time I put My Son Addry to child care then the next day he got a very bad gastroenteris (so we need to rush to the ER at Midnight then Addry had to stay in bed for 10 days. After Addry recover form his illness, the next day I went to the child care & I saw on the bulletin board an announcement that at the time in that child care has two disease: Head Lice and Gastroenterisis. So I guess I can't just pretend that my son would be okay to stay there. I have choices (not like other mothers who have to study here), wheter I continue Addry enrollment in that childcare or cancell it.
Secondly I saw a child accidentally being smashed to the door and being ignored after. How a group assistant can handle everychild if they responsible to take care of 10 children in that class anyway?
Because of this experience, I've started to read so many articles about child care and children development, All of them informed me that the best age to join child care is three years old, because at this age child need to develop their social skill. And I got this precious information for my best friend whos father (a doctor) happened to attend a Seminar about Studies Result: Linking Child Care to Behavioral Problems.
My best friend verbally explain that the study found that in children younger than 3 yrs of age, levels of cortisol (a hormone associated with stress) found and rose in the afternoon during full days they spent in day care, but fell as the hours passed on days they spent at home. When cortisol rose it shows that the child is in stress due to insecure feeling. And if the cortisol level is high continously, it will lead to behavioral problems like overly aggressive and others.
At Last! the studies is published by New York Time on 13 Sept 2006 read this link for complete news.
So I believe in the studies, It's not a sin right?. I am a conservative mother who hope not to risk my Son. It's okay for me not to work here (alhamdulillah Allah gave me a casual work that suit me).. cause I still could expand my knowledge from home. I worked like horse for 4 years back home.. I guess during this 1,5 year-stay here, is my biggest opportunity to focus on my son development, besides I'm exciting in teaching my preschooller son.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
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